Please note that this post has mature subject matter, suitable only for adults.
Recently, Pope Francis took exception to ‘fake news’ and advised people not to tell the truth.
Even worse, he accused people of having an innate interest in coprophilia.
Something is wrong with the man.
On December 12, The Guardian reported (emphases mine):
Using striking terminology, Francis said journalists and the media must avoid falling into “coprophilia” – an abnormal interest in excrement. Those reading or watching such stories risked behaving like coprophagics, people who eat faeces, he added.
The pope excused himself for using terminology that some might find repellent. “I think the media have to be very clear, very transparent, and not fall into – no offence intended – the sickness of coprophilia, that is, always wanting to cover scandals, covering nasty things, even if they are true,” he said. “And since people have a tendency towards the sickness of coprophagia, a lot of damage can be done.”
He made the same reference in 2013, before he was elected pope:
… he told the Italian newspaper La Stampa: “Journalists sometimes risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia, which is a sin that taints all men and women – that is, the tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive aspects.”
Some will wonder if coprophagia is a perversion he suffers from, because it looks as if he is using projection here: falsely accusing others of something you actually do yourself.
Projection is a terrible thing. However, it is a psychological device that is rampant on the Left. The pope has made many left-wing statements over the years.
Now let’s look at what he is objecting to: things that the Podesta WikiLeaks revealed — or in some cases suggested — shortly before the election.
These are things which are probably already known to the authorities. Child molestation rings, for one. This FBI agent began working for the agency during the 1970s and says paedophilia is prevalent among people in authority. He says at the beginning that some politicians have attempted to discredit him. He doesn’t care. In his speech, he links this horrific sin to satanism and drugs. He also says that evidence disappears or is concealed. Whistleblowers can be murdered or falsely imprisoned:
That film, from 2005, is not about Pizzagate, but involves the same things that citizen journalists suspect is going on in Washington DC and elsewhere from having read WikiLeaks. They acknowledge the evidence is circumstantial.
Granted, it is unfortunate that a gunman went into Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor, thought to be the nexus of Pizzagate, in Washington on December 4, but that, too, is rather peculiar. Accounts in Big Media differ as to whether a gunshot was fired. Was it real or a false flag? Who knows?
Going back to Pope Francis, it would appear he does not want alleged or real crimes to be investigated. He would disapprove of the FBI agent in the above film who said he worked on one case for 20 years.
Remember how long it took for the 21st century investigations into paedophilia in the Catholic Church to take place, even though the Boys Town ring was exposed in the 1980s.
Defenders of the pontiff should be aware that in June, he reneged on his proposal to have a special tribunal to prosecute bishops who cover up for paedophile priests. It ran into too much opposition. (Imagine that.)
Pope Francis needs to remember that just as there are sins of commission, there are also sins of omission. When there is evidence that children are being trafficked, sexually abused and/or murdered, it should be investigated. We should also be aware that there are mainstream news sites which promote paedophilia, such as Salon.
He also needs to realise that Big Media are the biggest proponents of fake news. WeAreChange has a good summary of just some of the fake news stories coming from major media outlets. The media also cover up stories that should be reported.
The latest media narrative is that Russia hacked the US election. Furthermore, Donald Trump, news show host Tucker Carlson and even conservative online journalists have been accused of being Russian agents. Yet, there is no evidence for any of those absurd accusations.
But the pope doesn’t care about that.
We have enough obfuscation in the media already without the pope adding to it.
We also don’t need his accusation that all of us have a penchant for coprophilia.
What goes through this man’s mind?